Every Lead AHS Sarah Paulson Character Ranked

Sarah Paulson in American Horror Story (2011)

Sarah Paulson is one of the few actors who has appeared in every season of American Horror Story. Here is our list of every leading character she has played in order of best to worst.

Hypodermic Sally, Hotel

Sally McKenna is a tragic character whose dress sense is reminiscent of Blade Runner’s Pris. Her edgy and conflicted essence puts her at the top of the list.

Dot and Bette Tattler, Freak Show

Playing a two-headed characters is one thing, but playing both heads with distinct personalities is something else.

Lana Winters, Asylum

Lana is fierce, determined and overcomes obstacles which are the stuff of nightmares.

Cordelia Foxx, Cult

Sarah Paulson as a witch is brilliant. Her character is kind-hearted, brave and the scene where she gauges her eyes out in order to regain her second sight is one of the most shocking moments of the season.

Ally Mayfair-Richards, Cult

Ally starts off as a pitiful character who is sympathetic but also kind of irritating. As the season continues, however, she transforms into a fierce and slighly twisted feminist icon.

Shelby Miller, Roanoke

Shelby is one of Paulson’s more forgettable characters in what is arguably one of the series’ weakest seasons so far.

Billie Dean Howard, Murder House

Billie Dean Howard, the medium, is one of Paulson’s more boring roles. It’s a credit to her how much she improved as the series went on though.