“Insatiable” Canceled After Two Seasons

Debby Ryan in "Insatiable"

The quirky revenge comedy Insatiable has been canceled after just two seasons.

The Netflix original series stars Debbie Ryan as a bullied, overweight teen who loses weight and then decides to become a beauty pageant queen. Her plan is to get revenge on those who bullied her, but a series of unfortunate events combined with her twisted attitude results in the show taking a very dark turn.

When the first trailer for the show appeared on Netflix, audiences signed a petition for the show to be canceled due to its problematic nature. After a couple of seasons, many viewers were hooked, and one person took to Twitter to ask what would be happening to Coralie (Alyssa Milano) in season three. The question was then posed whether or not it was true that the show had been canceled.

“This is sadly true,” Milano confirmed. “We had the most fun creating this show. I want to thank the fans who gave us a shot and kept coming back for more. Season 1 & 2 are still streaming. P.S. Any thoughts on who was Coralee’s baby daddy? I guess we will never know. #insatiable”.

Season two ended on a dramatic cliffhanger but unfortunately, we’ll never know what happens next.

Season one and two of Insatiable are available on Netflix now.