Netflix has Created a Contract Your Bae NEEDS to Sign

Netflix. Photo by Isopix/REX/Shutterstock (3596408c)

Netflix is no longer so chill when the risk of your partner watching without you is so very real.

It may sound ridiculous, but couples have had many a-clash when one party discovers that the other has watched episodes of a series on their own.

The situation is so bad, in fact, that according to a 2017 study by Netflix, 46% have “cheated” on their partner by watching ahead and a quarter of people feel it hurts more than sending flirty texts behind their back!

But the streaming service no longer wants to be the cause of relationship strife and has created a contract to hopefully restore peace.

The terms and conditions of the “co-watching contract” include: not falling asleep, not getting distracted by you phone and causing the other person to rewind because you missed something, not watching without the other person present, not talking when the show is on, and not sharing spoilers.

Netflix contracts. Saving relationships since 2019.