The “2 Broke Girls” Guide to the 5 Worst Types of Customers

Jennifer Coolidge, Kat Dennings, and Beth Behrs in "2 Broke Girls"

If you have ever worked in customer service, the words “the customer is always right” will likely fill you with uncontrollable rage. Here are five times the customer was SO wrong, as told by 2 Broke Girls.

Rude Old People

Every now and then, a customer will show up who thinks they are entitled to premium service, just because they are older than you. Luckily, Max was having none of it.

Picky Hipsters

In customer service, you can expect to get the occasional difficult order. But when hipsters following the latest food trend show up and try to substitute everything in their order, it’s beyond ridiculous.

Rude Hipsters

Wearing a hat indoors is bad enough, but snapping your fingers at a waitress? Not okay.

The Unbearable Boyfriend

This customer is the WORST, and not because he was rude to the waitresses. Instead, he insisted that his girlfriend had a salad, even though she wanted fries. Luckily, Max and Caroline stepped up to save her dignity.

The Critic

Some customers are just looking for an excuse to complain. Although the customers on 2 Broke Girls are often right to doubt Max’s service, sometimes they are completely off the mark.