Is The Flash Team Falling Apart?
There could be a red streak across our hearts after this week’s episode of The Flash. Cisco (Carlos Valdes), receives a tempting offer from Breacher (Danny Trejo) that could see him leaving Earth-1.
Cisco has a lot to reflect on — he is a vital member of Team Flash and his relationship with Breacher’s daughter Gypsy (Jessica Camacho) could seriously be put to the test.
Speaking of Breacher’s return, Valdes told Entertainment Weekly that “…Breacher is having problems with his powers, he’s facing off against a crazy vampire-like [creature] named Crucifer, and his powers are failing him…”
The resulting exchange between the two is beyond cringe-inducing but unmissable.
The hunt for DeVoe escalates as Valdes continues “…Harry gets ahead of himself, and some dark secrets come out that complicate his relationship to the team and especially his relationship to Cisco…”
A mystery girl, played by Jessica Parker Kennedy adds intrigue to the tense scenes. Valdes tells EW “…Her role is especially to lay down these little clues, these little breadcrumbs for the viewers that ultimately start paying off in terms of establishing a trajectory to season five…”
Does that mean our beloved Cisco is sticking around? Let’s hope so.