Top 5 American Horror Story Villains

Sarah Paulson in American Horror Story

Ryan Murphy’s popular anthology series features an array of interesting and quirky characters. At the same time, it also has its fair share of nasty villains and evil antagonists. Here is a list of the five most cruel and depraved characters to appear in the series.

James Patrick March

Original builder and owner of the Cortez hotel, James Patrick March designed this building to satisfy his sadistic and murderous needs. What is most frightening is the fact that he is based on a real life villain.

Twisty the Clown

Twisty the Clown turned out to be one of the season’s most misunderstood villains. Nonetheless, he is terrifying to look at and few survive his horrific appearances.

Madame Delphine LaLaurie

Despite undergoing somewhat of a redemption later in the series, there is no doubt that LaLaurie’s past appetite for torturing and killing her slaves earns her a place on this list.

Kai Anderson

Master manipulator and charismatic leader, Kai Anderson oversaw a number of murders and the destruction of a suburban community using his small army of brainwashed devotees.

Dr Arthur Arden

Previously known as the war criminal Hans Grüpe, Dr Arden found his place in season two’s asylum to continue his evil deeds by conducting sadistic experiments on the inmates. He earns his place on the top of the list for the shocking depictions of what he did to the nymphomaniac, Shelley.