Tyne Daly Tapped For Murphy Brown Reboot

Image by Shukovsky English Entertainment / IMDB

It’s Reboot Season, And The List Of Shows Is Growing…

Murphy Brown’s revival series is in the works, and Tyne Daly is next to be added to the series. Daly is set to play Phyllis, a sister who has taken over her deceased brother’s business and is a close friend of the rest of the characters.

Never Seen Murphy Brown Before? Here’s What You Missed

Murphy Brown is a bigshot reporter for the news station ‘FYI.’ She’s bossy, hard-working, and enthusiastic about her work. The show follows her life as a middle-aged woman and a reporter among her average and equally as eccentric co-workers.

The show thus far has cast many familiar faces but also a few new ones, hoping to keep the story of Murphy and her gang alive in a more ‘later in life’ sense. They’ve even managed to snag the original creator, Diane English, as a writer and co-producer for the series.

Daly will be joining Candace Bergen, Faith Ford, Joe Regalbuto, and many others in what is sure to be a great recreation of a series that held many fans in its original air time.

The show is set to air 13 episodes on CBS during a span in 2018 – 2019.

And just in case Tyne Daly isn’t a familiar face, you may know her from Grey’s Anatomy, Modern Family, and a long list of other hit shows and movies.